Few Words About Us
was conceived and registered in 1991 and it started out as a Financial Services venture that provided Investment, Assurance and Insurances. After building this line into a profitable business in a period of 17 years it was sold as a going concern but decided to hold onto the Gemini Consultants name for future development.
Arno Köhler then joined a
Recruiting company and recruited for 1 year. The recruiting fields were Information Technology and Financial.
He was and is also involved in Specialist Security Services and was called in to help with a few project within the 2010 World Cup. Here he coordinated the security for Coca-Cola on one of their projects. He also got the opportunity after that to work with the artist Shakira till the 2010 World Cup Final ceremony.
In 2010 Arno Köhler was approached to start an ISP(Internet Service Provider) company. This was then realized as GemConnect.